Z80 Instruction Set — Data Movement



Operation Exchanges the 16-bit contents of DE and HL.
Op Code 11101011
T States 4

Operation Exchanges the 16-bit contents of AF and AF'.
Op Code 00001000
T States 4

Operation Exchanges (SP) with L, and (SP+1) with H.
Op Code 11100011
T States 19

EX (SP),regindex
Operation Exchanges (SP) with the LSB of regindex, and (SP+1) with the MSB of regindex.
Op Code [regindex] : 11100011
Register Bit Field
IX 11011101
IY 11111101
T States 23



Operation Exchanges the 16-bit contents of BC, DE, and HL with BC', DE', and HL'.
Op Code 11011001
T States 4



LD reg8D,reg8S
Operation The contents of register reg8S are stored into reg8D.
Op Code 01[reg8D][reg8S]

Register Bit Field
A 111
B 000
C 001
D 010
E 011
H 100
L 101
(HL) 110

T States 4 or 7 (HL)

LD reg8,imm8
Operation Stores the immediate value into reg8.
Op Code 00[reg8]110 : [imm8]
Register Bit Field
A 111
B 000
C 001
D 010
E 011
H 100
L 101
(HL) 110
T States 7 or 10 (HL)

LD reg8,(regindex + ofs8)
Operation Stores the value pointed to by regindex plus ofs8 into reg8.
Op Code [regindex] : 01[reg8]110 : [ofs8]
Register Bit Field
IX 11011101
IY 11111101

Register Bit Field
A 111
B 000
C 001
D 010
E 011
H 100
L 101
T States 19

LD (regindex + ofs8),reg8
Operation Stores reg8 into the memory location pointed to by regindex plus ofs8.
Op Code regindex : 01110[reg8] : [ofs8]
Register Bit Field
IX 11011101
IY 11111101

Register Bit Field
A 111
B 000
C 001
D 010
E 011
H 100
L 101
T States 19

LD (regindex + ofs8), imm8
Operation Stores the immediate data into the memory location pointed to by regindex plus ofs8.
Op Code [regindex] : 00110110 : [ofs8] : [imm8]
Register Bit Field
IX 11011101
IY 11111101
T States 19

LD A,(reg16)
Operation Stores the value pointed to by reg16 into A.
Op Code 000[reg16]1010
Register Bit Field
BC 0
DE 1
T States 7

LD A,(imm16)
Operation Stores the value pointed to by imm16 into A.
Op Code 00111010 : [immLSB] : [immMSB]
T States 13

LD (reg16),A
Operation Stores A into the memory location pointed to by reg16.
Register Bit Field
BC 0
DE 1
Op Code 000[reg16]0010
T States 7

LD (imm16),A
Operation Stores A into the memory location pointed to by imm16.
Op Code 00110010 : [immLSB] : [immMSB]
T States 13

LD A,{ I | R }
Operation Stores the value of register I or R into A
Op Code 11101101 : 0101[reg]111
Register Bit Field
I 0
R 1
Flags S Z are affected as defined.
H N are reset.
P/V holds IFF2.
C is unaffected.
T States 9

LD { I | R },A
Operation Stores the value of A into register I or R.
Op Code 11101101 : 0100[reg]111
Register Bit Field
I 0
R 1
T States 9

LD reg16,imm16
Operation Stores the immediate data into register reg16.
Op Code 00[reg16]0001 : [immLSB] : [immMSB]
Register Bit Field
BC 00
DE 01
HL 10
SP 11
T States 10

LD regindex,imm16
Operation Loads the immediate data into index register regindex
Op Code [regindex] : 00100001 : [immLSB] : [immMSB]
Register Bit Field
IX 11011101
IY 11111101
T States 14

LD HL,(imm16)
Operation Loads the value pointed to by imm16 into HL.
Op Code 00101010 : [immLSB] : [immMSB]
T States 16

LD reg16,(imm16)
Operation Loads the value pointed to by imm16 into register reg16.
Op Code 11101101 : 01[reg16]1011 : [immLSB] : [immMSB]
Register Bit Field
BC 00
DE 01
HL (see Undocumented) 10
SP 11
T States 20

LD regindex,(imm16)
Operation Loads the value pointed to by imm16 into index register regindex.
Op Code [regindex] : 00101010 : [immLSB] : [immMSB]
Register Bit Field
IX 11011101
IY 11111101
T States 20

LD (imm16),HL
Operation Stores the value of HL into the memory location pointed to by imm16.
Op Code 00100010 : [immLSB] : [immMSB]
T States 16

LD (imm16),reg16
Operation Stores the value of register reg16 into the memory location pointed to by imm16.
Op Code 11101101 : 01[reg16]0011 : [immLSB] : [immMSB]
Register Bit Field
BC 00
DE 01
HL (see Undocumented) 10
SP 11
T States 20

LD (imm16),regindex
Operation Stores the value of index register regindex into the memory location pointed to by imm16.
Op Code [regindex] : 00100010 : [immLSB] : [immMSB]
Register Bit Field
IX 11011101
IY 11111101
T States 20

Operation Loads the value of HL into SP
Op Code 11111001
T States 6

LD SP,regindex
Operation Loads the value of index register regindex into SP.
Op Code [regindex] : 11111001
Register Bit Field
IX 11011101
IY 11111101
T States 10



Operation Transfers a byte of data from the memory location pointed to by HL to the memory location pointed to by DE. Then HL, DE, and BC are decremented.
Op Code 11101101 : 10101000
Flags S Z C are not affected
H N are reset
P/V is reset if BC becomes zero. Reset otherwise.
T States 16



Operation Transfers a byte of data from the memory location pointed to by HL to the memory location pointed to by DE. Then HL, DE, and BC are decremented. If BC is not zero, this operation is repeated. Interrupts can trigger while this instruction is processing.
Op Code 11101101 : 10111000
Flags S Z C are not affected
H N P/V are reset
T States If BC != 0: 21
If BC == 0: 16



Operation Transfers a byte of data from the memory location pointed to by HL to the memory location pointed to by DE. Then HL and DE are incremented and BC is decremented.
Op Code 11101101 : 10100000
Flags S Z C are not affected
H N are reset
P/V is reset if BC becomes zero. Reset otherwise.
T States 16



Operation Transfers a byte of data from the memory location pointed to by HL to the memory location pointed to by DE. Then HL and DE are incremented and BC is decremented. If BC is not zero, this operation is repeated. Interrupts can trigger while this instruction is processing.
Op Code 11101101 : 10110000
Flags S Z C are not affected
H N P/V are reset
T States If BC != 0: 21
If BC == 0: 16



POP reg16
Operation The memory location pointed to by SP is stored into regLSB and SP is incremented. The memory location pointed to by SP is stored into regMSB and SP is incremented again
Op Code 11[reg16]0001
Register Bit Field
BC 00
DE 01
HL 10
AF 11
T States 10

POP regindex
Operation The memory location pointed to by SP is stored into regLSB and SP is incremented. The memory location pointed to by SP is stored into regMSB and SP is incremented again
Op Code [regindex] : 11100001
Register Bit Field
IX 11011101
IY 11111101
T States 14



PUSH reg16
Operation SP is decremented and regMSB is stored into the memory location pointed to by SP. SP is decremented again and regLSB is stored into the memory location pointed to by SP.
Op Code 11[reg16]0101
Register Bit Field
BC 00
DE 01
HL 10
AF 11
T States 11

PUSH regindex
Operation SP is decremented and regMSB is stored into the memory location pointed to by SP. SP is decremented again and regLSB is stored into the memory location pointed to by SP.
Op Code [regindex] : 11100101
Register Bit Field
IX 11011101
IY 11111101
T States 15


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Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 Sean McLaughlin
See the file gfdl.html for copying conditions