All mathematical operations are done with signed 32-bit values.
expr1 + expr2
expr1 plus expr2
expr1 - expr2
expr2 minus expr1
Negation of expr
expr1 * expr2
expr1 times expr2
expr1 / expr2
expr1 divided by expr2
expr1 % expr2
Remainder of expr1 divided by expr2
expr1 << expr2
Logically shifts expr1 left expr2 times.
expr1 >> expr2
Logically shifts expr1 right expr2 times.
One's complement of expr
expr1 = expr2
1 if expr1 is equal to expr2. 0
expr1 == expr2
Same as =
expr1 != expr2
1 if expr1 is not equal to expr2. 0
expr1 < expr2
1 if expr1 is less than expr2. 0
expr1 > expr2
1 if expr1 is greater than expr2. 0
expr1 <= expr2
1 if expr1 is less than or equal to expr2.
0 otherwise.
expr1 >= expr2
1 if expr1 is greater than or equal to expr2.
0 otherwise.
expr1 & expr2
Bitwise AND of expr1 and expr2.
expr1 | expr2
Bitwise OR of expr1 and expr2.
expr1 ^ expr2
Bitwise XOR of expr1 and expr2.
Adds a newline to the source code, for putting multiple instructions on one line.
Defines an additional instruction. See TASMTABS.HTM.
.addinstr instr args opcode nbytes rule class shift binor
Advances the instruction pointer a specified number of bytes without assigning values to
the skipped over bytes.
.block expr
Inserts a byte value or series of byte values.
.byte expr[,expr ... ]
Calculates a checksum from a specified address up to but not including the address of the
directive. The checksum is the least significant byte of the sum of all bytes.
See Day 3 for a full explanation of this directive.
Fills a number of bytes with one value. If the value is ommitted the default value of
255 is used.
.fill bytes[,value]
Assembles a block of code if the supplied expression evaluates as non-zero. Otherwise,
the block of code following the #ELSE directive (if there is one) is assembled.
#if expression
Assembles a block of code if the supplied macro has been defined. If the macro has not
been defined, then the block of code following the #ELSE directive (if there is one) is
#ifdef macro_namecode
Exactly the same as #IFDEF, except the block of code is assembled if
the supplied macro has not been defined.
#ifndef macro_namecode
Reads the contents of the supplied file into the source file.
#include "filename"
Turns on output to the listing file.
Defines the character used to designate a local label.
.locallabelchar "character"
Defines byte order for the WORD directive to be little-endian.
See Day 3 for a full explanation of this directive.
Defines byte order for the WORD directive to be big-endian.
Turns off output to the listing file.
Sets the instruction pointer to the supplied value.
.org expression
Changes the value of a manifest constant. This directive often results in "label value
misaligned" errors.
symbol .set expression
Assigns a sequence of bytes values based on an ASCII string. A zero is automatically
added to the end.
.text "string"
Inserts a word value or series of word values.
.word expr[,expr ... ]
This is part of Learn TI-83 Plus Assembly In 28 Days
Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 Sean McLaughlin
See the file gfdl.html for copying conditions